About LCC Hardware Hank
LAC's Hardware Hank Stores are located in Battle Lake, New York Mills, and Wolf Lake. These stores offer a large variety of products, from home repair and maintenance, to agriculture and commercial use. We sell oils and filters, plumbing parts, nuts and bolts, automotive products, hand tools, gardening products, lawn care products, sporting goods, and much, much more. Stop in or give us a call! Select one of the locations to the right for more information.
459 3rd Ave SE, Perham, MN 56573
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Lakes Community Cooperative
Phone Number
Local: (218) 346-6240
Toll Free: (866) 346-5601
Fax: (218) 346-6241
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Toll Free: (866) 346-5601
Fax: (218) 346-6241
Click HERE to see all contact listings